Today is Thursday and the only reason I know this is because I asked Amingo. Anna and I left at 4:00am Tuesday morning and arrived in Taipei 10:30pm Wednesday night. You do the math, but I think we travelled for over 30 hours real time.
Thirteen hours later, we landed in Tokyo for a layover before boarding Japan Airlines to Taipei. The plane was a double decker and our seats were on the second level. (A note to Neal...I did not find the pool, but I am positive it was somewhere!)
The only time I was really concerned about our travels was when we landed in Taipei. I wondered if we would be able to find Jess and her family amongst the masses of people waiting for friends and loved ones to arrive. Fortunately, they saw us first! Jess, Amingo, and Gary were there to greet us!
When Jess came to the U.S. she had commented that everyone looked alike to her when she got off the plane in Minneapolis. I laughed as that is what most Americans think of Asian people. Jess tried to explain the differences between the nationalities, and as I scanned the passengers on our flights and in the airports, I tried to notice the slight differences between the dark haired, lightly golden individuals.
Driving about an hour south from Taipei, we finally arrived at our final destination of Hsinchu City. Pandora - now calling herself Connie - greeted us with a large, bright smile. It felt good.
Anna and Jess are playing the piano and singing from Rent right now. There's so many differences, yet so much the same.
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