Lake Placid is a man-made lake in the middle of Science Park surrounded by beautiful footpaths and outdoor buildings used for community yoga and tai chi. I woke early one morning and headed down to Lake Placid for some early morning exercise. There were surprisingly many people out with the same idea as me.
As I beat a path around the lake which takes about ten minutes to complete, I passed a yoga class with many participants and a tai chi class set to music with a fat bassett hound in attendance.
Hsinchu is a tidily packed city with residential and commercial fitting together like pieces of a puzzle. Streets seem to have no rhyme or reason to me as they twist and turn with seemingly no real direction.
There does seem to be a lot of pollution - it can be seen on the buildings and felt in the throat.
Because of limited space, it seems the Taiwanese have developed quite a knack for expanding vertically. Cars are stacked three high by mechanical means in parking garages. Homes are apartment buildings four to 30 stories high.
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